Friday, April 30, 2010

Medical transcription outsourcing: Who actually does the work?

Knowing who actually does the outsourced medical transcription work is very important because of the very sensitive and critical nature of the work. Making sure that the company chosen for outsourcing, executes the medical transcription work themselves, and not through subcontractors or home transcriptionists is very important. This has benefits like:

· Better control
Having to deal with one entity that does the work makes it easier to control all the processes. Otherwise it could result in dilution of control

· Data security
Data Security is one of the most important factors to be considered before engaging the services of an outsourced transcription vendor. Getting work done through a series of subcontractors and home-based transcriptionists would mean that patient data is exposed to various networks and computers.

The more number of people and networks handling this information the higher is the security risk.

When outsourcing to a zero-subcontracting company like TransDyne, the data is handled professionally. TransDyne employs the best data security practices like high –end encryption, firewalls and foolproof access control measures

· Consistent Quality of work
When a company engages subcontractors, it has no control over who does the work and how. With a service provider like TransDyne there is more consistency in the quality of work as it is done by the same team of people who handle the same set of providers on a regular basis

· Personalized services
Any personalized needs of the healthcare facility like formats etc can be easily changed/added whenever required and the smallest preferences of each individual dictator are taken care of.

· Better understanding of special needs
When subcontractors work on dictations, they treat the work as a commodity, as a job that needs to be finished with the least amount of resources.

With a company like TransDyne any special needs of the healthcare facility are taken care of as TransDyne has complete control over the entire transcription process and their people are trained to take care of each client’s special needs.

· Better rates
By eliminating the need for the sub-contractor a company like TransDyne will be in a position to offer much better rates for superior service.

· Better customer service
One to one communication means less scope for misunderstanding and this translates into better customer service.

· Zero legal hassles
Due to the sensitivity of the data involved, it is important to keep it secure. Data access to more people can result in legal hassles due to misuse. Getting work done by a zero subcontracting company like TransDyne would mean zero legal hassles.

· Better turnaround time
When home transcriptionists or sub contractors are involved there are a lot of delays due to various factors like power outage, poor connectivity etc. These delays are avoided when the medical transcription service provider does the transcription in-house and turnaround time commitments are met with.

At TransDyne it is believed that it is their privilege to be serving their customers’ needs in the best way possible. So any work outsourced to TransDyne, is executed by their own team of trained medical transcriptionists, than by the use of subcontractors or home transcriptionists.

The healthcare facility benefits by virtue of TransDyne’s vast experience, their training methods, best practices, and the comfort of absolute confidentiality & data security.

To avail medical transcription services form TransDyne, click here

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Medical Transcription services

What is transcription and how does it relate to the field of medicine?
Transcription is conversion of audio files to typed records in a paper form or in the form of computer files as per specified formats. Medical transcription is the conversion of audio files of a patient encounter as dictated by a healthcare professional into a typed version, which is then stored in the form of paper records or as a computer file.

Why is medical transcription needed?
Records of patient encounter need to be created and maintained for various reasons such as patient treatment, permanent patient records, referrals to other doctors, evidence in case of malpractice suits, coding, billing and insurance claims and satisfaction of regulatory norms. Medical transcription plays a vital role in creating accurate records of patient encounters with the doctors.

How is medical transcription done?
After the patient encounter, the healthcare professional dictates notes regarding the encounter into a recording device of his choice, which is then transcribed by a person skilled in this kind of work having knowledge of medicine, latest drugs, procedures and good language skills.

When is medical transcription done?
Once the doctor has finished dictating notes these are then transmitted to the medical transcriptionist using various means, the actual transcription is finished within a period of 24 hours at the latest. Priority is given to STAT files and these are returned earlier.

Who does the medical transcription?
Medical transcription is done by in-house medical transcriptionists or through outsourcing to a medical transcription service provider who specializes in this kind of work.

It has been argued that doctors could themselves create records as and when they finish with the patient encounter. But this has been proven to curb the productivity of doctors in terms of time spent typing (which is not necessarily their core skill) and reducing the time spent on care of patients.

Why outsource medical transcription?
Outsourcing medical transcription can benefit a healthcare facility in various ways. If helps them to focus on healthcare which is their core business rather than medical transcription which is not. It also improves profitability by freeing up valuable resources like manpower, capital and time etc which would otherwise be focused on medical transcription.

Having understood the importance of medical transcription and the benefits of outsourcing, one needs to choose a medical transcription service provider that excels on the following criteria:

Accuracy: This means the percentage of accuracy of the completed transcripts vis-à-vis what was dictated. A minimum of 99% and above would be acceptable.

Turnaround time: Turnaround time refers to the time taken to revert the transcribed report to the healthcare facility. A Turnaround time of not more than 24 hours for normal reports and 4-12 hours for STAT reports would be considered ideal.

Data security: The company being outsourced to should be HIPAA/HITECH compliant. The medical transcription service provider has to have adequate security measures to ensure that the confidential data transmitted back and forth is safe and secure.

Pricing: Saving on costs is one of the main benefits that a healthcare facility hopes to have, from the outsourcing option. Pricing should be fair and reasonable for the services rendered. Pricing method should also be transparent and simple so that both parties can verify the same at any stage of the process

Technology: The technology used by the service provider should not only be secure but should also be easy to use, without having to require extensive training.

TransDyne offers quality medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time executed through secure HIPAA and HITECH compliant channels, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use!

To avail TransDyne’s superior medical transcription services, click here.